Doctoral Symposium
The APSEC 2017 Doctoral Symposium solicits papers that describe the systematic work of PhD students. The goal of this symposium is to provide a venue for doctoral students to present and discuss their work with other researchers and practitioners in the same area as well as get feedback from academics and industry.
The Doctoral Symposium will be a half-day gathering and all attendees will give a short presentation of their work focusing on one of their open research questions. This will be followed by questions, discussions, and feedback as appropriate.
The submissions are classified into two types: Early Doctoral Track and Late Doctoral Track. Early Doctoral Track is open to PhD students who have not yet completed the dissertation proposal phase, and the papers must not exceed 2 pages. Late Doctoral Track is open to PhD students who have completed the dissertation proposal phase, and the papers must not exceed 4 pages.
All submissions must be in English, and must use the IEEE dual column conference template with 10pt font and not exceed the page limit (including all figures, references and appendices). Submissions must be submitted electronically in PDF before the due date via EasyChair.
The Chairs reserve the right to reject submissions (without reviews) that are not in compliance or out of scope for the conference. Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Digital Library.
Important Dates
- Doctoral Symposium papers submission deadline: 26 September, 2017
- Notification of Acceptance: 10 October, 2017
- Camera-ready and Publication: 16 October, 2017